(419) 243-4600



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Empower Future Leaders

Dear Community Partners,

During times like these, I am proud to be a part of a youth mentoring agency working to advance educational achievement, and equity, reduce disparities, build leaders, and support communities across Lucas and Wood counties. Since 1937, Big Brothers Big sisters of Northwestern Ohio have been creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships and empowering our future leaders through advanced programming.

The Empowering Future Leaders (EFL) program focuses on four youth development areas (aka Pillars): Life Skills, Leadership Development, Cultural Competence, and Career Development. These pillars provide participants with the necessary tools to make better life decisions, enhance their educational experience and career readiness, and interact positively in diverse environments. This data-driven program is offered in-school,after school, and 6-week during the summer.

Throughout the program, our participants receive evidence-based training through educational activities and meet community members, business leaders, and local government officials who provide speeches or conduct activities centered around one of the program’s four pillars. It creates opportunities for both program participants and our special guests to connect.

Each year, we receive multiple requests from area schools to be added to our program. This program is free to participants and is funded through local grants, foundations, and fundraisers. Our long-term goal is to increase staffing designated to this program to meet the increase in requests, thus having a more profound impact on our future leaders.

What Can You Do?

  1. Give unrestricted general operating support dollars.
  2. Commit to a monthly donation via PayPal for one year.
  3. Give online during fundraising events.
  4. Give regardless of the tax deductibility of your gift.
  5. Be vocal advocates for our organization.
  6. Volunteer to be a mentor for 48 hours a year.
  7. Volunteer to speak with our youth.
  8. Volunteer to support fundraisers.
  9. Volunteer to office support staff.
  10. Volunteer during our Bowl For Kid’s Sake event.

Please call us at (419) 243-4600 or email BBBSNWO@bbbsnwo.org to learn more. Also, follow us on
Facebook/bbbsnwo to see the great things we are doing and the impact of your donation.

Dr. Marvin Whitfield


Please send donations via check, made payable to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Ohio.

Checks can be mailed to

P.O. Box 1369 Toledo, OH 43604

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